How to Keep Pets Cool in the Heat

PHOENIX — As much of the world swelters, it’s not just people who need help with the dog days of summer. Pet owners have to consider how to both shield and cool down furry family members as intense—at times deadly—heat waves become more common.

“It’s really important to remember that if it’s hot outside for you, it’s even hotter for your pets,” says Dr. Sandra Faeh, American Veterinary Medical Association president. A dog’s breed, weight and chronic health issues also matter. “There’s not one specific temperature that we can say, `this is the right temperature to go outside,’ because they’re all different.”

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In the U.S, over 180 million people, or 63% of households, have at least one pet, according to an American Pet Products Association report. Pet-related spending is projected to be over $150 billion this year, yet a lot of pooch parents aren’t accustomed to changing routines or buying items for hot weather. This summer’s heat is making that more normal.

Simple safety steps

Of course, the surest strategy against high temperatures is to take pets out in the morning and evening, Faeh advises. If you must take them out during the day, be quick and stick to shade, grass and dirt. Pavement can be a scorcher on paws.

“We often think that their paws are thicker, they’re not as susceptible to the heat, but they are. They can blister, they can hurt,” Faeh said.

One paw-sitive measure: Faeh says dog booties made with a thick fabric can help with hot surfaces. Dogs just need time to get the hang of walking in them.

Pets can also suffer sunburns, which can manifest as lighter pigment on the nose, or around the face on short-hair breeds. Veterinarians can prescribe special sunscreen.

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Providing relief even after brief sun exposure is as important as sun protection. Cooling mats and small fans can help. And besides giving dogs water, you can wet their bodies with cool water. But not too cold, Faeh warns.

“If they get cold too quickly, their vessels constrict and then they have a harder time cooling off,” she said.

In a power blackout, Faeh suggests putting pets in a cooler part of the home like a basement or a windowless room. Keep fresh water on hand and any blinds or curtains closed.

Signs to look for if a dog is experiencing heat-related stress or heatstroke include restlessness, excessive panting, drooling and even vomiting. Cats show distress through open-mouth breathing. In any of these scenarios, contact a veterinarian immediately, Faeh advises.

The importance of accessorizing

There’s a wide array of pet accessories and devices available to help beat the heat, says Pete Scott, American Pet Products Association president. But some markets have been caught off-guard by the higher temperatures.

“You don’t think of Connecticut as being 100 degrees,” said Scott, who is based in Stamford. “You’ve got to be vigilant and be prepared. Like if it’s a week out when they say a heat wave is coming, everybody stocks up on bottled water. But they don’t also stock up for their pets.”

Besides booties, protective gear can mean a sun visor and doggy sunglasses or goggles, if your pet will wear them.

David Escalante started Kaykos Dog Shades out of his San Francisco Bay Area home in 2016 after putting a makeshift pair of sunglasses on his family’s pit bull. Now, Escalante, his father and brother hand-make every pair in his San Jose garage. They have sold nearly 15,000 in the last three years.

Read More: What to Wear When It’s Really Hot Outside

Each pair has a drawstring, nose bridge rest and lenses that he says protect against ultraviolet light rays.

“We try to push … to let people know, ‘Hey, you know, think about your dog’s eyes now that you’re out and it’s super bright,” said Escalante, who sells more during heat waves.

Other helpful tools include cooling collars and elevated dog beds that help with airflow, Scott says. You can also feed Fido chilled goodies like canine-friendly gelato, pup-sicles and ice cream mixes.

“When it’s hot, we all like a little frozen treat. So do dogs, so do cats,” Scott said.

Indoor playtime

Another solution is an indoor dog park. Spencer Mak and his wife, Lauren, have operated two Mak Pack Dog Training & Boarding facilities in suburban Phoenix since 2020. The 10,000-square-foot Chandler location includes an indoor dog park with agility exercises, climbing obstacles and a bounce house. They offer a $10 drop-in rate and a $49 monthly membership.

At its busiest, the indoor area has accommodated as many as 100 dogs. In June, when temperatures spiked, Mak saw 520 admissions compared to 300 in May—a nearly 75% jump.

He’s currently working on building an indoor doggy pool with ramps and floats.

And ugh, the car…

Summertime also sees cases of people leaving or forgetting pets in hot cars. The temperature inside a vehicle can surpass the outside very quickly.

“It is so much better to just leave them at home and know that they’re gonna be wagging their tail and giving you kisses when you walk in the door,” Faeh says.

Some vehicles come with dashboard alerts if a child or pet is still in the back. There are also backseat car alarms on the market. But ultimately, “it always comes down to the human that owns the pet,” Scott says.

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